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Quechua is a family of 46 languages and dialects spoken in a broad area of South America that extends to seven countries. It is divided into two main groups: group I, with 17 languages, and group II, with 29 languages. The second group is further divided into subgroups A, B, and C, with 4, 14, and 11 languages respectively.

There is a major split between the two groups of dialects, group I and group II. The group II dialects are separated by the group I dialects located in the middle of the area where they are spoken. The four dialects of subgroup A of group II (Pacaroras, Cajamarca, Lambayeque, and Yauyos) are spoken in North Peru. They are surrounded by the 14 languages of subgroup B (Chachapoyas, San Martin, and Southern Pastaza in Peru, Inga and Jungle Inga in Colombia, and Highland Imbabura, Northern Pastaza, Lowland Napo, Highland Canar, Highland Tungurahua, Highland Loja, Highland Calderon, Highland Chimborazo, and Lowland Tena in Ecuador).

The 11 dialects of subgroup C (Arequipa-La Union, Classical, Apurimac, Puno, Cuzco, and Ayacucho in South Peru, Chilean, in Chile, South and North Bolivian in Bolivia, and Northwest Jujuy, and Santiago Del Estero in Argentina) are spoken in two extended areas separated in the middle by an area in which the local population speaks the distinguished Aymara language.

Our voice over talents are actors and broadcasters with extensive backgrounds in advertising, theater, radio, TV and film with different range in age and vocal style to suit your specific needs.

We have the latest technology available and highly qualified staff for professionally dubbing films for the entertainment, educational and corporate industry. We can lip-synch your dubbing project into Quechua language. Our directors and actors, all native speakers, are assigned to each project according to the languages involved and to their area of expertise. Our translation and cultural adaptation always takes into consideration the country and public it is destined to reach.

We specialize in dubbing, subtitling, Voiceover, . transcription

quechua voice over, quechua subtitling