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Saraiki (Perso-Arabic script) is a standardized language of Pakistan belonging to Indo-Aryan languages. Saraiki (Sureli) ( سرائیکی) is a dialect of Punjabi. Potohari is spoken by the people of North Western areas and Saraiki is the major language of the South West Punjab. It is spoken predominantly in Pakistan with few speakers in India and Afghanistan. Dialects: Saraiki has following six varieties: (1) Central variety (2) Southern variety (3) Sindhi variety (4) Northern variety (5) Jhangi (6) Shahpuri These varieties are also divided on the basis of the regions they belong to like Multani, Riasti (Bahawalpuri), Dera Wali, Jhangi, etc.

We have the latest technology available and highly qualified staff for professionally dubbing films for the entertainment, educational and corporate industry. We can lip-synch your dubbing project into Siraiki language. Our directors and actors, all native speakers, are assigned to each project according to the languages involved and to their area of expertise. Our translation and cultural adaptation always takes into consideration the country and public it is destined to reach.

We specialize in dubbing, subtitling, Voiceover, . transcription

siraiki voice over, siraiki subtitling