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Valencian is the regional language spoken in the Valencian Community in Spain and a glossonym used to refer to the Catalan in that area. In that Community, Valencian is the traditional language and is co-official with Spanish. A standardized form exists, based on the Southern Valencian subdialect.There are around 2.5 million speakers of this language.

Transitional Valencian (valencià de transició or tortosí): spoken only in the northernmost areas of the province of Castellón in towns like Benicarló or Vinaròs, the area of Matarranya in Aragon (province of Teruel), and a southern border area of Catalonia surrounding Tortosa, in the province of Tarragona.
Northern Valencian (valencià septentrional or castellonenc): spoken in an area surrounding the city of Castellón de la Plana.
Central Valencian (valencià central or apitxat), spoken in Valencia city and its area, but not used as standard by the Valencian media.
Southern Valencian (valencià meridional): spoken in the contiguous comarques located in the southernmost part of the Valencia province and the northernmost part in the province of Alicante. This subdialect is considered as Standard Valencian. Alicante Valencian (valencià alacantí): spoken in the southern half of the province of Alicante, and the area of Carche in Murcia.

We have the latest technology available and highly qualified staff for professionally dubbing films for the entertainment, educational and corporate industry. We can lip-synch your dubbing project into Valencian language. Our directors and actors, all native speakers, are assigned to each project according to the languages involved and to their area of expertise. Our translation and cultural adaptation always takes into consideration the country and public it is destined to reach.

We specialize in dubbing, subtitling, Voiceover, . transcription

valencian voice over, valencian subtitling