Czech is official language of the Czech Republic and is spoken by over 12 million people. Czech language is also spoken in many countries worldwide.
Czech is also known as Cestina and Bohemian & is closely related to Slovak.
There are several inter- dialects(koine) Central Bohemian, Czecho-Moravian, Hanak, Lach (Yalach), Northeast Bohemian, and Southwest Bohemian. The Prague dialect is the basis for standard written Czech, also known as Standard or Literary Czech. The colloquial spoken form of the language is called Common Czech.
We work with the top vocal and narration talent available so that we can provide you with the best voice. Our voice talents are actors and broadcasters with extensive backgrounds in advertising, theater, radio, TV and film with different range in age and vocal style to suit your specific voice casting needs.
We specialize in dubbing, subtitling, Voiceover, . transcription